I have had the best experience and am so happy with my results!

Breast Augmentation CosMediTour

I’m so happy I chose to do a group tour. It ended up feeling more like a holiday than I thought it would. The girls all bonded so quickly and it was a really fun support system. I’ve had nothing but great service and professionalism from CosMediTour the entire time and the CosMediTour reps have been amazing.

I was very impressed with Phuket International Hospital, I did a lot of research before so I knew what to expect but it honestly exceeded my expectations. I was so well looked after and would recommend PIAC to anyone. 

Sea Sun Sand Resort was great! Perfect location and beautiful views. The staff were lovely and it had all the facilities you could need. It was a long walk to the room from the street but the exercise was well needed!

I have had the best experience and am so happy with my results!

breast-augmentation 2

– 24, Gold Coast

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
CosMediTour Package: Phuket Group Tour
Hospital: Phuket International Hospital
Surgeon: Dr Narupon
Surgery Details: 385cc, Moderate Profile, Round Implants, Over the Muscle, Under the Breast Fold