Thailand Plastic Surgery

Male Breast Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

The excessive enlargement of the male breast tissue (gynaecomastia, or ‘man boobs’) is a common condition that affects an estimated 40 – 60% of the male population. Caused by hormonal changes, weight gain, hereditary conditions, diseases, medications, and recreational drug use, gynaecomastia can develop at any age and present in one or both breasts. Male Breast Reduction procedures target excess tissue to correct gynaecomastia and restore self-confidence. If you’re considering Male Breast Reduction surgery, start your research with these FAQs.

Male Breast Reduction Thailand FAQs
What causes male breast enlargement?

Gynecomastia, ‘Man Boobs’, or the development of excessive breast tissue can be caused by numerous factors. These include an imbalance of hormones (estrogen and testosterone); hereditary conditions (medical conditions passed through family lines); weight gain; diseases (for example, Liver Disease); reactions to medications; and recreational drug use, including anabolic steroids and marijuana. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes at uneven rates. It typically occurs during adolescence and middle-age but can also develop whenever the above factors take effect. 

Can I fix my man boobs with exercise?

Exercise can reduce fat storage on the chest, however it does not affect the dense glandular tissue caused by Gynecomastia. Some men are surprised to find out that no matter how hard they exercise, their breast tissue does not get smaller.

Is Male Breast Reduction surgery painful?

Male Breast Reduction surgery typically results in a pain-free recovery. You may experience mild discomfort and swelling during the first few days, but this can be effectively controlled with prescribed medication.

How long will my recovery take?

In most cases, Male Breast Reduction clients can return to work 1 – 2 days after surgery. This is, of course, providing their work does not involve heavy lifting or strenuous activity. Heavy lifting and contact sports must be avoided for at least 4 weeks post-surgery and upper limb activities should be approached gradually. As with all aspects of your recovery, your Plastic Surgery will advise when it is safe for you to reintroduce activities like weight training and swimming.

Does Male Breast Reduction surgery take a long time?

Male Breast Reduction Surgery typically takes 1.5 hours. If the Gynecomastia is unilateral (only occurs on one side of the chest) the surgery time is less. Clients are placed under general anaesthetic for the duration of the procedure.

What techniques are involved?

To perform a Male Breast Reduction, Plastic Surgeons will either conduct a Subcutaneous Mastectomy (the surgical removal of breast tissue through an incision around the areola), Liposuction, or a combination approach. As with all aspects of your procedure, your Plastic Surgeon will advise on the best techniques for your desired results—their decision will be based on your age, skin elasticity, and whether your Gynecomastia is caused by excess skin and fatty deposits, glandular tissue, or both.

Can my man boobs grow back after surgery?

In most cases, the results from Male Breast Reduction surgery are long term. Weight gain or drug use associated with hormonal fluctuations (i.e. anabolic steroid use) may lead to a reoccurrence. This should be avoided where possible.

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