Breast Augmentation Before & After #40

“I experienced minimal pain throughout my BA experience, which can only be down to the high quality of work and care carried out by my surgeon.

There is stigma attached to cosmetic surgery carried out in Thailand, but if you do your research and go through a reputable and well run company like CosMediTour, you are basically guaranteed the best.. I was very impressed by how easy the staff made everything for me, and how little I had to do for myself..

I’m also so grateful to the staff at PIAC, the hospital and hotel for making my experience so amazing!

Thank you CosMediTour, I couldn’t be happier!  

– Gold Coast client 

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Hospital: Phuket International Hospital
Surgeon: Dr Narupon
Surgical Details: 350cc & 375cc, round, Moderate Plus Profile, Under the muscle, Under the breast fold