I have gained so much confidence since having my Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation CosMediTour

“I have gained so much confidence since having my breast augmentation. Everyone was so helpful – I was so thankful for the help of the CosMediTour agent in Thailand, she was so friendly and approachable – to the point of feeding me soup after surgery!! Thank you for everything CosMediTour.

Every time I talked to CosMediTour ladies there they were always so helpful and understanding.

Amari Phuket was possibly the most beautiful hotel I’ve stayed in. Gardens were well kept and the staff were so helpful and friendly.”

– Ciara


Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Hospital: Phuket International Hospital
Surgeon: Dr. Thanakom
Surgery Details: 350cc, Low Profile, Round, Under the Muscle, Under the Breast Fold